31 Days to a Decluttered Home

March means spring cleaning in my home and I’m tackling it head on this year! Since we’re in the process of renovating (we’re scheduled to get new carpet soon and then I’ll be able to start revealing a few rooms!) we don’t have a lot of deep cleaning to do in the house… Or we DO have a lot of deep cleaning to do but are waiting to get it done when we tackle that room… Either way, the spring cleaning I’m talking about is organizing, downsizing, and getting rid of stuff!

I’m a want to be minimalist so getting rid of stuff makes my heart happy. I don’t know why we always seem to have so much stuff we accumulate when we rarely buy anything. Things just show up in our home and multiply like rats. (Let’s not talk about rats multiplying in our home. We’ve been dealing with a rat problem for a few months and it’s not a happy topic… That’s what happens when you buy a house the previous owners didn’t take care of…) I always love going through and getting rid of the stuff we don’t actually need.

So… Without further ado, I’m going to introduce you to the 31 Day Uncluttering Challenge. Every day this month we’re going to tackle one area of the house. Some days the challenge will take five minutes and sometimes it will take five hours (hopefully not… but you never know) and by the end of the month your house should feel peaceful and serene, without stuff bogging you down!

31 Day Challenge
Decluttering Tips for Spring


Day 1: Clothes
Day one is a doozy! We’re starting out the challenge right! Go through your closet and dresser and purge, purge, purge! Be critical of each and every piece of clothing you own. If it doesn’t fit, you haven’t worn it in a year, or you don’t like the way you look in it then get rid of it! No reason to keep those “I might wear it someday” pieces around! Also, look for duplicates. Maybe you don’t wear party dresses very often but own seven. Consider getting rid of three or so of the dresses and only keeping the ones you feel most glamorous in. Maybe you own four white tshirts. Consider getting rid of the two (or three) that are more ratty and just keep the one that is sparkling white.

What to do with your stuff:

  • Sell your gently used clothing on Poshmark
  • Send name brand items in to ThredUp and get a percentage back
  • Send name brand items in to Schoola and support your favorite school
  • Donate professional clothing to Dress for Success to help women in need
  • Donate gently used clothing to Clothes4Souls
  • Donate all quality of clothes to Planet Aid
  • Donate clothing to your local women’s shelter

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